Tuesday, February 16, 2010

This morning I came to campus really early before the sun came up. I only live about a half mile from campus but by the time I got to the library I felt like my nose and ears were going to fall off! Days like today remind me how incredibly difficult it must be to be homeless. I literally cannot wrap my mind around what it would be like to face the freezing cold wind all night, knowing that you had nowhere to find shelter. It really brings the issue of homelessness home a little bit and makes me even more inspired to do my best for the UHC so they can get help to those who need it most. I am so glad that this course exists, because I think we all realize that it is more than just another class we need to take to graduate. We all bring unique talents and passions to the table, and I know that what we produce collectively is going to help the UHC and the homeless of the upstate in a big way.

this song pretty much sums up my last semester and my attitude toward serving this semester. For the longest time I have thought about justice and reaching out to those who need it. I always prayed for them and genuinely hoped that things would get better. But my thoughts aren't enough. I have been given so many opportunities and gifts, it's time for me to start acting on my beliefs. I know that God has big plans and I want to GO serve, whatever that looks like.

Today in class we're going to present our ideas for a slogan or campaign for the UHC. I think our group has a great idea with the "One _________ away" campaign. I know that the other groups will have come up with awesome ideas too so I think that at the end of today we will have something really good. I will write more once we figure it all out...

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